
jeune homme dogon devant un paysage

The Dogon

The Dogon inhabit the Bandiagara escarpment, an extremely imposing setting in a very bare and austere environment. The cliffs stretch some 150 km. in length and up to 500 meters in height.

The Dogon are one of the very few existing ethnic groups to have remained the closest to their ancestral traditions, both in artistic expression as well as in ceremonial practice.

Dogon art is primarily expressed in the form of statuary and masks. Sculptures are not intended to be displayed publicly, instead these are kept in sacred sanctuaries within the family compound or gina . Masks are the focal point of ceremonial celebrations, however their true significance can only be by the highest ranking cult members who relates their meaning and role during village rituals and ceremonies.

Iron smiting is a special skill, and ironsmiths form an exclusive caste, as they are set apart for their special skills.

The iron smith is responsible to create the tools and weapons as well as the ceremonial objects that are used during important rituals.

Ironsmiths form an exclusive caste and are set apart for their special skills, they are also the carvers of masks.

  • case dogon


  • danse masquée

    Masked dance

  • village


  • masques dogon


  • danse traditionnelle


  • personnage devant une porte

    Scene of life

  • masque


  • sculptures


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