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The Bambara

The Bamana or Bambara people of Mali have lived from agriculture from their earliest existence. Their origins have been chronicled to the 16th century, unwilling to accept Islam, their name is a synonym for "idol worshippers".

>> Bambara society is structured by certain types of masks and figures that they produce. Iron staffs and figures play an important role in Bambara secret societies, as they are used during initiation ceremonies as well funeral rites.

>> Amongst the figures produced by the Bambara are the boliw, these fetishes may be represented as highly stylized animal or human figures, or are of symbolic form. The secret societies of the Kono and Komo carry out sacrifices giving the boliw extraordinary powers as cult objects.

>> Bambara ironsmiths, form an exclusive caste, and are set apart for their special skills, they create tools and weapons as well as important ritual and ceremonial objects.

+ Bambara Wood Mask of a Female

+ Bambara Wood Figure Playing a Calabash Rattle Instrument