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The Tuareg

Tuareg describes diverse groups of nomadic peoples who share a common language and a common history; Tuareg camel caravans played the primary role in trade across the Sahara until quite recently.

>> The Tuareg are an independent nomadic people who practice Islam, adapting their own form and style of symbolism into this religion.

>> They produce no masks or figures but instead create an impressive world of traditional, abstract, beautiful and functional objects of leather, wood, clay and metal. Their jewelry possesses a profuse repertoire of symbols and is foremost characterized by its protective symbolism against the evil eye.

>> They possess great skill to finely decorate and ingeniously convert everyday utilitarian objects distinguishable by their uniqueness, elaborate detail, and profound mysticism they embody.

+ Pair of Old Tuareg Wide Silver Bangles with Design

+ Very Old
Tuareg Sour Milk Hide Leather Container

+ Old Tuareg Aluminum Copper Brass Khalkhal Anklet