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The Gan

The Gan inhabit the geographical area east of the Lobi, in Burkina Faso. They are exceptionally skilled metalworkers and produce a vast array of body adornment such as bangles, pendants, chevillières, figurative as well as serpent figures all possessing a ritualistic or sacred function.

>> The serpent is the central theme represented in objects of metal produced by the Gan. Pendants with multiple serpent heads as well as spiraling serpents play a central role in the Gan system of beliefs. Highly superstitious, serpents that would protect the family clan or kings descended from Gan royalty, are characteristically represented with bulging eyes and large heads, these attributes were intended to empower the amulet to see beyond and to at the same time endow it with supernatural strength and power.

>> Amulets that would protect its wearer against imminent dangers of everyday life would be represented in smaller, these could include the entry of a serpent into the family compound that would be an announcement of some misfortune that could take place.

>> The art of metal amongst the Gan is an expression of their culture and is expresses in an exclusive and unique variety of protective amulets that could easily be carried around.

>> Very little has been published about the Gan, and as a result, our knowledge of them is rather limited, their artistic skills however, remain unrivaled and undisputed.

+ Majestic Gan Gronze Pectoral Amulet Serpents
and Chameleon

+ Gan Bronze Figural Amulet Pendant